The project

The journey into the digital future of construction requires ideas, time, courage and energy.

This is how it was aufladen

Aus- und Fortbildungslabor für digitales Entwerfen und Bauen

The training and continuing education laboratory for digital design and construction is the place to RECHARGE strength and knowledge in order to participate in the digital transformation. The aim of the project is to create a suitable teaching and continuing education concept for teaching BIM, learning content and the scientific evaluation of the new concept. The knowledge gained will help to improve teaching and continuing education offerings at the university, to promote the standardization of teaching and continuing education offerings and to provide impetus and ideas across universities. The project is aimed at students along the entire construction value chain, in particular prospective architects, civil engineers and specialist planners. The project serves to close the gap between beginners and advanced users of the BIM application, to pick up students who are still looking for access to the topic in order to involve everyone in the digital transformation.

Starting position

The Federal Government is calling for digital transformation in the construction industry and is thus changing an entire sector of the economy. Universities must meet these changing needs. Digitalization of construction is not only about building more digitally, but also about using digital transformation to build and dismantle better, more resource-saving, climate-friendly, and more quality-assured. The charging project creates learning opportunities for everyone involved in construction.


One major hurdle of digital transformation in construction is its rapid development. More and more participants are missing out on technological development. The gap between experts and beginners is widening, and the hurdles to getting started in digital construction planning are becoming ever higher. Students are demanding more training opportunities in the area of digital planning methods because a knowledge advantage during their studies will be a clear competitive advantage at work.

Objective of the project

The aim of the project is to create a suitable Teaching and continuing education concept to teach digital planning, in particular Building Information Modeling (BIM), the didactic preparation of learning content and the scientific evaluation of the new concept. The project is funded by the Innovation in Higher Education Foundation in the FREIRAUM 2022 funding program. Project duration: 01.09.2022 to 30.09.2024. Application and project management: Prof. Dr. Gregor Grunwald, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hollermann, Jade University
Funding program:

Open space 2022 of the Innovation in Higher Education Foundation
