

BIM theory

BIM Glossary

AIA - Client Information Requirements

The client information requirements (AIA for short) determine when, by whom and in what quality information is delivered.

AIR - Asset Information Requirements

The Asset Information Requirements (AIR) are an essential part of the BIM process, which includes both business, commercial and technical aspects of providing information for an asset.

ASI feature server

The ASI feature server is a national database from the standards institute Austrain Standards (ASI) in which a structure of the properties of components and materials is defined.

Alphanumeric information

Alphanumeric information in Building Information Modeling (BIM) comprises data that is used in various aspects of a construction project. This information includes, for example, identification numbers, properties and attributes of components, as well as time and cost information. They are crucial for presenting a project precisely and in an organized manner, promote collaboration and enable efficient planning, execution and administration of construction projects.

American Institute of Architects (AIA)

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has existed since 1857 and is a professional association of architects in the USA. It runs numerous funding programs and regularly awards prizes such as the Gold Medal and the Architecture Firm Award.

BAP - BIM execution plan

A BIM execution plan (BAP) is a living document that the contractor (AN) creates to implement the client's (AG)'s BIM requirements in the project.

BCF - BIM Collaboration Format

BCF (BIM Collaboration Format) is an open data format that facilitates model-based communication.

BIA - Operator Information Requirements

Operator information requirements (BIA for short) are the requirements for data structures and level of detail set by the operator independently of the project.

BIM - Benefits for clients and operators

BIM offers numerous advantages not only to planners, but also to clients and operators of buildings.

BIM - Benefits for companies

The introduction of Building Information Modeling (BIM) promises numerous benefits for companies.

BIM - Building Information Modeling

BIM stands for Building Information Modeling and represents a digital approach for planning, constructing and managing buildings.

BIM - Overall coordinator

The overall BIM coordinator plays a central role in construction project management, particularly in the implementation of BIM.

BIM Applications

The tools known as BIM tools play a decisive role in creating, verifying and evaluating model data.

BIM Coordinator

The BIM coordinator plays a central role in construction and is responsible for the operational implementation of the BIM goals of a building.

BIM maturity level

The BIM maturity level is a useful tool for evaluating and managing progress in the use of BIM.


In coordination with the BIM coordinator, the BIM author edits the building data model and adds information in accordance with the contractually agreed quality standards and BIM standards.


A BIM manager plays a central role in project management, in particular in data and information management on behalf of the customer.


The BIM user plays a passive role by reading information and looking at models without making any changes themselves.

BMC – Model Testing

BIM-based model checking (BMC) offers the opportunity to check the modeling quality of a BIM model based on rules based on geometric collisions, as well as other specific component properties.


BPMN stands for Business Process Model and Notation. It is a standard for modeling business processes.

BPS - BIM project management

BPS (BIM Project Management) serves to represent the client's interests when specifying and implementing a BIM project.

Building models

Building models are digital representations of structures or buildings that are created using Building Information Modeling (BIM) software.

CDE - Common Data Environment

A CDE is a web-based platform that brings the entire planning team together and supports the integration of various applications.

COBie - Construction Operations Building Information Exchange

Construction Operations Building Information Exchange, or COBie for short, is a data format for publishing subsets of BIM models. The focus here is not on geometric data, but on the associated information in the area of facility management.

Challenges of BIM implementation

The implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) presents companies with a variety of challenges that they must overcome.


The change management process is a structured process for planning and implementing organizational changes, which includes preparation, team engagement and the gradual introduction of new conditions.

Collaboration platforms

Building Information Modeling (BIM) collaboration platforms are digital tools that simplify project collaboration.

Collision check

During collision testing, model elements are checked for geometric overlaps in order to identify and resolve conflicts between the plans of different trades at an early stage.

Coordination body

The coordination body is an object that is used to visually check the positioning of the individual specialist models in the coordination software.

DIN EN 17412

DIN EN 17412-1 replaces the outdated Level of Detail (LOD) with the more precise Level of Information Need (LOIN), which defines the level of information requirements based on the application goal in order to avoid unnecessary details and focus on essential information for planning.

DLG - Digital delivery items

As part of the contractor's provision of services, digital delivery items (DLG for short) must be created.

Data exchange formats

Data exchange formats are crucial for the BIM method, as they ensure interoperability between different software applications and stakeholders.

Desite MD

Desite MD enables a practical implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and makes building information accessible to various parties involved in order to use it multiple times. It offers user-friendly views and flexible filters for CAD models, schedules and linked data, and supports 4D simulations, planning, testing, and quantity calculations.

Development of BIM

About the development of BIM

EIR - Exchange Information Requirements

Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) are of crucial importance for projects, particularly in construction and construction project management.

European standardization

In 2015, the CEN/TC 442 standardization body for “Building Information Modelling (BIM)” was established at European level.

FM – Facility Management

The abbreviation FM stands for Facility Management and describes all processes that improve the effective use of a building and that are not part of its core business.

GUID – Globally Unique Identifier

GUID stands for Globally Unique Identifier or globally unique identifier in German. It is a unique identifier that is assigned to every element in the IFC. This GUID enables the unique identification and tracking of components within the IFC data format, regardless of manufacturer or software application.

IDM - Information Delivery Manual

An IDM defines the scope and type of an information request that is required or must be delivered at a specific point in time by specialized BIM organizational units.

IFC - Industry Foundation Classes

IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is a standardized, open data format that is used to collect and transfer comprehensive building information.

IFC scheme

The specification of the IFC scheme is the most important technical achievement of buildingSMART International to achieve the goal of promoting openBIM.


The IFC aligment model describes road and rail routes using an IFC model.

IFD – International Framework for Dicitionaries

The International Framework for Dictionaries (IFD) is essentially a standard for terminology libraries and ontologies.

ISO 12006-3

DIN EN ISO 12006-3 defines a language-neutral information model that can be used to create dictionaries to store or provide information about buildings. This model enables links to classification systems, data models, object models, and process models within a common framework.

ISO 16739

With regard to IFC, ISO 16739 proves that the specifications and structures defined by IFC meet internationally recognized standards and can therefore be widely accepted and used in the construction industry.

ISO 19650

DIN EN ISO 19650 deals with standardizing information management and defines the relevant framework conditions for BIM (Building Information Modeling).

ISO 23386

The European standard ISO 23386 describes rules and methods for defining, creating and maintaining features in construction to enable secure digital exchange between parties involved. This includes rules for the definition and attributes of characteristics as well as a control model and management rules for data catalogs.

ISO 29481-1

ISO 29481-1 serves to improve the preparation and implementation methods of information manuals by integrating them into a format that can be read by software programs. The validity of existing manuals remains valid.

ISO 29481-2

ISO 29481-2 provides a methodology and format for describing coordination between participants in construction projects across all life cycle stages to promote interoperability of software applications and ensure reliable exchange of information.


Die ISO (International Standards Organization) ist eine internationale Normungsorganisation, die weltweit anerkannte Standards entwickelt und veröffentlicht.

International standardization

As an independent organization, buildingSMART International (BSi) develops relevant standards for the construction industry, including the two most prominent ones, IFC and BCF. IFC, as an object-oriented specification, was first introduced as IFC1.0 in 1996 and has undergone continuous evolution ever since.


Issues in a construction project are discrepancies, problems, or challenges that can arise during the course of the project.

Lean principle

The lean principle is a working method for companies that simplifies workflow by making all information visible and accessible to authorized employees, which can increase profitability and increase the effectiveness of decision-making and collaboration.

LoD, LoI, LoiN, LoG

The terms LoD (Level of Development), LoI (Level of Information), LoIn (Level of Information Need) and LoG (Level of Geometry) are used to define different model (requirements) depths.

LoIN - Level of Information Need

LoIN (Level of Information Need) gemäß DIN EN 17412, beschreibt den Informationsbedarf für jede Art der Informationsbereitstellung entsprechend ihres Zwecks.

MVD - Model View Definition

MVDs are defined standard model views for outputting model information.

MacLeamy curve

The MacLeamy curve shows the relationship between the costs of design changes and the progress of a construction project.

Manufacturer-neutral transmission

Vendor-neutral transfer means that Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) represent a data format for building information that requires no dependency on a specific manufacturer or special software. In other words, IFC allows building data to be shared between various BIM software applications regardless of the manufacturer, which promotes interoperability and collaboration in the construction industry.

Modeling guideline

A modelling guideline is an important working basis in the BIM process, which ensures that all software solutions used for the construction project correctly interpret the plans and model information.

National standardization

The national standards for digital modelling are summarized in the company's own digital standards group ÖNORM A 6241.

OIR - Organizational Information Requirements

Organizational Information Requirements (OIR) are essential data that an organization needs to achieve its strategic goals.

PIM - AIM - Project/Asset Information Model

PIM (Project Information Model) and AIM (Asset Information Model) are models that are used over the life cycle of a project.

PIR - Project Information Requirements

The Project Information Requirements (PIR) define the necessary information for a construction project to meet strategic information goals and to serve as a basis for decisions.


The IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) property sets (psets) are dynamically expandable property sets that can be assigned to objects and object styles to create schedule tables.


Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an IT-based method to digitally capture, store, share and process information. In addition to traditional professions such as architects and civil engineers, other roles are involved in the BIM process to collect, review, approve and use information.

Solibri Inc.

Solibri Inc. develops and markets software to automate BIM verification and analysis, saving time and money and making the design process more efficient.

Specialist models

A digital building model consists of various sub-models, which are created by various specialist planners. These sub-models, also known as specialized models, represent specific aspects of the building or project.

Tekla Corporation

Founded in 1966 in Finland, Tekla Corporation manufactures software for Building Information Modeling (BIM) and structural design.

The need for new and collaborative forms of collaboration

Progressive digitization in various areas of work requires new and collaborative forms of collaboration, particularly in the construction industry.

VDC - Virtual design and construction

The virtual planning and execution of construction projects, also known as Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), uses integrated, multidisciplinary models that digitally represent the real building.


A web service API is the application processing interface between web server and web browser.

bSDD - buildingSMART Data Dictionary

The buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD) is a web-based service that is based on the open IFD standard and makes it possible to implement individual data structure additions (ontologies) in accordance with ISO 12006-3.

buildingSMART International

buildingSMART International (BSi) is a non-profit organization that drives digital transformation in the construction industry.

data management

Effective data management is crucial for construction projects in order to avoid loss of information and to minimize processing costs.

information container

An information container is a named collection of information that is retrievable within a file, system, or application storage hierarchy.


In a BIM context, interoperability means the ability of different software solutions to share data via common exchange formats and to be able to both read and write the same file formats (protocols).

little, big, open, closed BIM

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is introduced in various stages, each with different characteristics. A distinction is made between “little BIM” and “big BIM” as well as “open BIM” and “closed BIM”.


openBIM extends the benefits of BIM by improving the accessibility, usability, management, and sustainability of digital data in the construction industry.

ÖNORM A 2063

ÖNORM A 2063 consists of two parts. While the first part describes the data exchange formats in the AVA process, the second part explains this specifically for the BIM method.

ÖNORM A 6241

ÖNORM A 6241-1 standardizes technical requirements for data exchange and data storage of building information in building and civil engineering during the planning and use phase and defines basic terms, structures and presentation principles for CAD and BIM.

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